The Benefit Of Cross-Cultural Awareness For Children

The benefit of cross-cultural awareness for children Cross-Cultural awareness includes the ability to step back from ourselves and become aware of cultural values, beliefs, and perceptions, as well as understanding differences between various cultures around the world and discovering connections between them. Communication and interpersonal relationships may be hampered as a result of cultural differences. […]
How To Resolve The Problem Arise On The Education Due To Covid-19

How to resolve the problem arise on the global education due to covid-19 The abrupt transition to online pedagogy education in developing countries as a result of COVID-19 has revealed some inequalities and challenges while also providing some benefits. Digital learning created inequality in access to education. In teaching, the use of virtual systems increases […]
Why E-Learning is crucial in a developing country?

Why E-Learning is crucial in a developing country? The way education is delivered has changed in a world where everyone is connected to everyone else. Children adopt new (connected) tools to learn and develop themselves naturally from a young age. It provides them with access to information and new ideas. However, not all of them […]
E-Learning Before And After Covid-19

E-Learning Before And After Covid-19 COVID-19 has put the Physical Education system to the test, and much work remains to be done to improve children’s learning. However, the pandemic has also demonstrated how quickly the world can address the challenge of keeping children educated using technology. The Crisis led to the worldwide shutdown of schools. […]
Impact Of The Coronavirus On Global Education

Impact Of The Coronavirus On Global Education The virus’s alarming spread causes a disaster in the educational system, forcing schools to close. According to the UNESCO report, the temporary closure of educational institutions significantly impacted 1,6 billion children in 191 countries. To lessen the impact of the closure, educational institutions reacted differently in different contexts, […]