How to resolve the problem arise on the global education due to covid-19

The abrupt transition to online pedagogy education in developing countries as a result of COVID-19 has revealed some inequalities and challenges while also providing some benefits.
Digital learning created inequality in access to education. In teaching, the use of virtual systems increases the risk of losing the links formed during face-to-face lessons and can cause tension due to overexposure of teachers and students, or difficulties in maintaining teacher-student relationships and mediation. This is especially true at the early education levels, particularly the preschool and primary levels, where coordination with parents or caregivers is required to support and mediate children’s processes.
The majority of students in developing countries are unfamiliar with online education. As a result, the transition from traditional face-to-face learning to online learning should take into account disparities in technology availability and usage among higher education students. The majority of students in developing countries struggle to learn and use computer tools effectively.
Some possible solutions to the problem are listed below:
Technological training
Rapid transition from traditional to digital learning creates a bit of complexity for people who have not previously familiarized themselves with these technologies and software, so creating a simple well-designed platform and providing them with specific training will be the first and most important step we can take to eliminate the hindrance created by technology.
Free access to materials:
It is extremely difficult to find free resources on the Learning software. Because it is not possible for developing countries to pay for the materials they require for their education, so providing them with free access to materials with an easy user interface is highly recommended to address the current issue.
Also, vulnerable families should be assisted so that they can obtain the necessary equipment and skills to help their children learn online.
Effective Learning platform:
What is really needed is a tool that can log in on a one-time basis. An app is necessary in order to simply select your class/subject and get going, both teachers and students. This means that students will be able to access the materials even when they are not connected to the internet. Also, the course they have created should be auto-saved on the cloud.
Instructions for the assignment:
Assessing a student correctly is an essential component of the educational system. Under normal circumstances, students are required to take a test or appear in an examination on school grounds; however, this is no longer an option.
What is required here is a tool that provides a comprehensive assessment system that meets the needs of both teachers and students.
Boredom to Excitement:
The most significant challenges associated with online learning are monotony and boredom caused by increased screen exposure as well as the mode of operation of sitting in one restricted spot for extended periods of time.
Considering this aspect of online learning, we can create a platform where students can participate in polls and other interactive activities. also, a whiteboard-style tool for teachers and students to draw or write on, making learning more interactive in the long run.
Cross-cultural awareness:
Because of the Pandemic, many people have had the opportunity to communicate virtually with people from all over the world through classes, webinars, live conferences, and other means, gaining an understanding of different cultures.
Security and privacy:
Whatever we do on the Internet, we will always be concerned about data privacy and security. Teachers typically deliver online classes using free platforms available easily.
However, they are not the safest or most secure learning tools available. The use of cutting-edge EdTech platforms that ensure a secure online environment is required.
As the situation evolves, a more purposeful approach is unquestionably required, with representatives from various areas evaluating and sharing their experiences about what worked well and what didn’t. It should take into account the issues and solutions that students, parents, and teachers face during the crises.
It is clear that the situation affects all and that everyone must come together in order to overcome the pandemic. However, for the knowledge and education, we must not allow the situation to jeopardize the quality of the learning.