Social Media
Introduction to Social Media Marketing

Lucy Wambua

Social Media Marketing training course introduces children to digital marketing, which is replacing the traditional marketing at a very rapid pace. The course covers different tools and techniques that can be employed to market businesses on Social Media platforms. The course prepares young children for a successful career in digital marketing
Learning Outcomes:
The learners will be able to:
- Demonstrate skills to create business page on Facebook
- Create and attract subscribers on YouTube
- Create adverts on Facebook
- Demonstrate skills to create short video adverts for social media
- Apply creativity to design logos for business
- Apply creativity to design banners for social media
- Apply creativity to design animated content for social media
- Apply creativity to design book covers for social media
Course Timeline:
Introduction to the Digital World, Digital/Online Marketing and to Social Media Marketing
An overview of the popular social media platforms and creating profiles (Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest)
Book Cover mockups and animation texts adverts
Animation video and whiteboard animation adverts
3D Explainer video adverts with short stories
Introduction to graphic design
Design 3D logos
Introduction to Facebook Ads
- Phone
- laptop or desktop computer (Optional)
- Stable internet connection for the live class
- No prior experience in social media marketing needed